dinsdag 13 november 2012

Fall, forest and play

About two weeks ago (or was it longer? Time flies!) it was 'herfstvakantie', a week long holiday for schoolchildren in Holland, so my eldest, Rosalie, was home for a week and we enjoyed some really nice days with the whole family together.

We went for a long walk in the forest, with Rosalie walking most of it, 6 kilometres, pretty good for our tiny six-year-old! And Isabel walked alot too and it is so nice to see her enjoying things like this. Who ever said children with Prader-Willi syndrome were passive? We don't recognize this in Isabel, who is, very much, an active little girl. So, passive? No, but quiet at times, fidgeting with something or other, but I think she needs those quiet moments to proces the impressions and experiences of the day. Some pic's of our forest walk:

On another day we went to a playground nearby, took our lunch along and stayed for quite some time!

The next picture shows Thomas and Isabel in the 'fietskar' (What's the word? Bicycle cart, maybe?) ready to go home.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Could you help me maybee? When I click at your name when you`ve commented at my blog I come to this little page were I see your blogs name and I can click that to come here. But I don`t have that, when I click my name I come to some other side also about me but without my name. I want to leave comments and have my name linked to my blog. Do you know how I can get it like yours?

    1. When I click your name, that leads me directly to your blog! So, problem solved?
